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Video Production & Marketing

    Video production and marketing are utilizing videos in the best possible manner to promote and market your product or service, increase engagement in your virtual and social channels, educate your users and clients, and reach your target audience with a new medium of interaction. Nowadays videos have become the core element of every digital marketing strategy for numerous reasons. For starters, human beings are visual species. Our brains are designed to depend upon visual cues for necessary, adaptive, and complex behaviour. In fact, viewers retain nearly 95% of a ‘message’ from a video as compared to 10% whilst reading the same ‘message’ in text.

    That said, if a business or a non-profit enterprise desires to stay relevant these days, they have to start developing videos. However, the entire procedure from producing viral marketing videos to delivering them to the right audience is complicated. Many variables must be taken care of, from creating a definitive video marketing strategy and accumulating the footage to post-production to penetrate the right audience for business goals.

The Importance of Video Marketing

    Video marketing commenced in earnest in 2005 with the launch of YouTube. Google purchased YouTube in October 2006, and by 2009 there have been seven distinct ad formats on the platform. As the technology to create excellent videos gets easier, it became more famous among marketers. However, that’s now no longer the only reason video is the dominant form of communication today. Statistically speaking, 72% of users choose to learn about a product or a service using a video. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has additionally contributed to the overpowering increase in the quantity of video content which is popular among people. Hence, internet video production is a long-term investment for a company's marketing and branding. With the appropriate video marketing strategy in place, equipment, and tools, corporations can attract, engage, and convert more customers into their successful sales leads.

Video Production & Marketing Agencies

    Video production consists of several tiers. Some of these tiers in video marketing may require extra marketing skills, while others require more video production skills. But, all of them would surely require some knowledge of the entire video marketing procedure, and how one segment influences all of the other levels that precede and follow it. That’s where outsourcing comes into play. Throughout the procedure, team WoorG conducts a sincere audit of the business & its various facets and the opportunities it carries regarding video marketing. However, it’s crucial to remember that all businesses are different. Some businesses will fit flawlessly within the precise requirements, others will blur the lines between the standard marketing agency and the standard production agency.

Video Production & Marketing Agencies
WoorG's Video/ Production Work Strategy

WoorG's Video/ Production Work Strategy

    First, We meet with your team to speak about your objectives, vision and target audience.

    Pre-Production Planning - We map out the - what, who, when, where and how. We prepare a storyboard that conveys the end result so that you can see how we envision the shots working together.

    Production - Time for action! On the day of the shoot, our crew follows the pre-approved, specified schedule to offer minimal interruption in your team’s workflow.

    Post-Production Editing - Our editing team utilizes professional editing software programs to provide high-quality videos and pictures.

    Posting & Distribution - Based on the strategy, your videos and pictures are prepared for distribution on your social channels, emails, video platforms, website, etc.

Does Video enhance my SEO too?

    Video marketing has endless benefits, however, there's one in particular we need to focus on i.e. enhancing SEO. Search engine optimization has become such a useful tool for marketers; 64 percent of customers use it to search in their I-want-to-buy moments, and 71 per cent go to a retailer's website or App whilst they're in the decision-making stage. That means it's essential for your website to not only rank on search engine results pages (SERPs) but rank high. And that's wherein video comes in. Search algorithms are increasingly prioritizing web pages with videos and videos now appear in 55 percent of Google keyword searches.

    Besides supporting your website's and business rank on relevant searches, videos additionally make your snippet (or the real result list content) bigger, relevant and more eye-catching, which means searchers will probably see it before they see other results on the page. However, it is imperative to understand the connection between videos and website ranking. Business websites with video content perform better than websites that don't have it, and eventually, search engines prioritize them. If Google bots see a website that engages customers, answers their questions, and offers an overall quality experience, they'll reward that site with a better rank. That is the sole reason why search engines need to do an excellent job in conjunction with video marketing.

    Struggling with poor-quality videos on your social channels? Are you looking for expert professionals to help with comprehensive video production and marketing? Partner with WoorG today for creative video marketing services that will boost your sales by creating measurable results for your brand.

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